Timbermen have final regular season home game Saturday

by Dan Marshall

The Timbermen were outgunned 15-7 by the Langley Thunder on Saturday, and  lost 16-0 to the Salmonbellies on Sunday.

Pascal Coombs led the Tmen with three goals on Saturday and Alec Molander  also had three points.

Dakota Kasper and Darian Claxton shared the goaltending duties.

Sunday's game in New West was close after 20 minutes with the Bellies  leading 3-0.

But New Westminster took over the game in the final two periods en route to  the victory.

The next week will be a busy time for Nanaimo with the final home game of  the regular season Saturday at 2 p.m. against Port Coquitlam and then road games  Sunday in Langley and Tuesday the 27th in Victoria.